Climate Change App Reviews

Climate Change App Reviews

Posted by Nicole Sherwin on

With the world talking about climate change, as the world changes before our eyes, as the weather changes day by day, as the animals become extinct and as we pollute and litter more and more every second, it can become quite overwhelming to even think how we can make a difference. But imagine hundreds of thousands turning into millions of individuals doing something small in their own lives each day with a measure of consciousness to think, reduce, reuse and recycle and most importantly be kind. . . Imagine, how powerful this could potentially be as collectively we begin to affect change in our own lives, cleaning up our own acts. . . just imagine. . .

Now add social media and the birth of apps to our ever-changing world, and we are able to connect to millions – all around the world, creating dialogue, creating consciousness and creating solutions – crossing over the age, race and gender barriers. . . . Perhaps this is a good place to start? Start to become conscious, start to become aware and connect with others that are becoming aware. . .imagine how we can affect change?

Here are some interesting Apps to get you started:

1. #CLIMATE – this one speaks for itself. .

#climate is a customizable app that lets you discover the latest climate change actions hoping to address the issues that concern you most. Through this ingenious app, you can share efforts — and their impact — through your social media channels, encouraging awareness and monetary support of the efforts most notable to you.

2. WWF TOGETHER – for the love of our animals

The WWF Together app, created by the World Wildlife Fund, shares the stories of species most impacted by changing climate with vivid visuals and stunning video. The app presents up-to-date wildlife news and facts, along with ways you can act to help curb threats to at-risk animal populations. You can also use the app to share information you learn on social media, accompanied by a 3D origami image of the threatened species in question.

3. The Good Guide – Toxins Identified: Chemicals in food, personal care, and household products

The GoodGuide mobile app makes it fast and easy to find safe, healthy, green, and ethical products, instantly delivering the information you need, when you need it most — in a store and on the go. Use the handy barcode scanner feature to retrieve product ratings and information on your phone while shopping.


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