It’s a new product launch. And we’re super excited! We’ve had a lot of fun over the past 9 months, re-aligning, re-inventing and adapting to this new world we find ourselves in. Where masks are part of our daily outfits, sanatising appears to be the norm at every turn, with obsessive, compulsive behaviour to keep safe and stay healthy, always at top of mind. Where social distancing is becoming the way of life and meetings and events are being hosted online in your p.j’s & slippers from make-shift home offices. The net result (pardon the pun) is that our homes are becoming our haven, our bodies are becoming our temples, and more people are becoming more inspired by calm and peaceful settings, growing veggies, planting succulents and being surrounded by beautiful, yet simple things, that feed our souls.
The world is changing, and with that change, a more conscious consumer is emerging, as humans are demanding more value, better experiences, more authenticity and total transparency from brands with regard to their carbon footprint, their stance on animal rights, human rights and health rights. No longer are we purchasing skincare, food or personal-care products without reading every single label, and if we can’t pronounce an ingredient, leaning on good ol’ Google to educate us as we begin to educate ourselves with what is and what isn’t healthy for us. No longer will potentially harmful or toxic ingredients be accepted let alone tolerated in personal care products by this new consciousness, this new world order.
Thankfully it’s leaning towards a healthier world order. Healthier for mind, body & soul.
And, to be honest, as difficult, as trying, as overwhelming, as heart-wrenching as this COVID time in history has been and still continues to be, I am grateful that the world is waking up to their individual rights to consume foods and products that are not just healthier for them, but are also healing and nurturing and truly add value. The new conscious consumer approach.
People are wanting simpler, easier and healthier options to live their best lives, and becoming more conscious about treading with a much lighter footprint on the earth. Each individual is starting to take more responsibility for themselves and own their own health journey.
Eco Diva for me has been the most healing journey I’ve experienced in my life to date. I’m constantly in awe of how our products together with our [pH] balance program of skin health, gut health & mental health are helping, healing and transforming not only my life but so many others. I am truly grateful to be on this journey and to be able to offer solutions that have deeply changed and continue to change my life in magical and wonderful ways.
From turning my own health issues around, at a time in my life where I experienced a drastic health decline from heavy metal (mercury & lead) poisoning that morphed into hyperthyroidism, chronic fatigue, adult acne, pigmentation and radical skin sensitivities – This transformational journey has allowed for me to become a healthy, happy human again, with 80% more energy, a passion for life and healthy skin every day. I even managed to come off my thyroid medication, which, I was told by a medical expert I would have to be on it for the rest of my life. That thought never resonated with me and I was determined to find alternative solutions.
Today, I’m medication-free and pretty healthy as can be.
I am forever grateful for that experience, as I now have a fuller purpose and passion to share my journey and hopefully offer hope and insights into how other humans can also transform their own health, their own skin conditions and ultimately their own happiness with a few handy tools.
With this new world in full swing, local experiences of ‘staycations’ ‘daycations’ and weekends away, are becoming the go-to travel trend. Where life is simpler, and a lot more about being in nature. Where mental and physical health are the driving forces of decision-making, and small close family and friends are preferred gatherings with a splash of local adventure. Hiking, camping, glamping and mini festivals are a growing movement, to avoid the tiresome , uncertain, quarantining and restrictive international travel experiences that are well, simply not what they used to be. Local is becoming very, very lekke, as is off-the-grid community living.
So, for the past 9 months and for all the reasons above, we’ve been formulating, creating and giving birth to our new baby. Our sportier, lighter, on-the-go sister brand to Eco Diva – say hello to [pH]RESH! by Eco Diva.
Our [pH]RESH! products have been created for humans on-the-go, with little fuss and a less-is-more approach to self-care. The products are easy-to-use, affordable and clean, meaning free of any toxic or harmful ingredients. The [pH]RESH! range multi-use products that contain [pH] balancing properties for the whole family to enjoy. No more skin sensitivity, irritations or skin conditions with [pH]abulously [pH]RESH!
The [pH]RESH! ingredients have been carefully formulated to create healthy, glowing [pH] balanced skin, that offers soothing, calming and healing properties from head to toe. The new range appeals to a diverse customer-base, with affordable, eco-nomical price points, making clean skincare available to a wider audience. And the benefits are endless.
[pH]RESH! offers [pH] balancing properties with a fresh approach to clean skincare. Designed for humans on-the-go, with little fuss and an even easier, less-is-more approach to self-care, these products are for the whole family. Easy-to-use, eco-nomical and most importantly clean, meaning free of any toxic or harmful ingredients. They are also infused with some hero nutritional ingredients that offer a healthy, glowing skin every day.
You may already know that we never advocate for using multiple skincare brands in your daily skincare routine. The reason being, each brand has their own list of ingredients that may not compliment other brands when mixed together. Once compounded over months of use, we know that a build up of toxins can form and create toxic reactions like pigmentation, acne, rosacea, psoriasis or even premature ageing. But with [pH]RESH!, we’ve mindfully crafted even more nutrient goodness that compliments the luxury Eco Diva offering in such cool and easy-to-use ways. With these sister brands together, we like to ‘layer’ as we know exactly what ingredients are inside and how these ingredients work together to offer fabulous looking and feeling skin.
The [pH]RESH! range is multi-use, multi functional, and most importantly, contains [pH] balancing properties for the whole family to enjoy. No more skin sensitivities or skin conditions, just [pH]RESH! skin every day.
Why the [pH]RESH! spelling you may ask? The skin, being the largest organ of the body, absorbs everything that is applied to it. It is therefore vital for good skin health to keep the skins’ [pH] levels in balance. This is achieved by daily applications of skincare, personal care and make up products that don’t contain any harmful or toxic ingredients, but work with nature to align with the structure of skin and enhance natural healing abilities. To achieve great looking and feeling skin – [pH] balance is, well, everything.
The [pH]RESH! range launches just in time for spring with 3 value-for-money, multi-use necessities:
1. ALL OVER CLEANSER – FACE + BODY with added vitamin c (anti-aging, antioxidants) & aloe vera to keep skin soft, [pH]RESH! and smooth. Always keeping skin in its’ per[pH]ect balance. 3 in 1:
Face: Removes dirt and make up
Body: All over wash, always keeping skin in its’ per[pH]ect balance.
Shave: This beauty even whips into a silky-smooth shaving foam.
For the whole family to enjoy.
Safe to use during pregnancy.
2. ALL OVER MOISTURISER – FACE + BODY with added vitamins A, E & C, plus squalene & hyaluronic acid to keep skin healthy, glowing, soft & smooth. Offering properties that fight free-radical damage that causes premature ageing. Always maintaining per[pH]ect balance.
3. SHAMPOO + CONDITIONERS IN 1 with added jojoba, argan and marula oils for the ultimate shine and condition. These stand-out ingredients promote hair growth as well as hair strength. Always keeping hair in its’ per[pH]ect balance.
The range comes in handy, minimalist 300ml spout pouches that are easy to pack and travel with or keep in your bathroom, guest loo or kitchen and retail at only R159,99 each.
There is also a starter pack; The [pH]RESH! Trio – a bundle of all 3 in 100ml travel sizes. Retail price R355,99 for the pack.
Smell & Texture: [pH]RESH! products have been created with 100% natural scent from the finest essential oils, that not only smell, but feel [pH]RESH! The essential oils offer mood-enhancing properties as well as anti-bacterial and anti-microbial fighting agents.
As we are becoming more environmentally aware, [pH]RESH! fits into local is lekker, manufactured in a natural & organic, GMP certified laboratory in South Africa.
Where you can get [pH]RESH!: For the month of September 2021 – We are thrilled to partner with Mr. Price Sport who have launched [pH]RESH! by Eco Diva into 10 Mr. Price Sport stores nationwide, as well as via their online platform.
From October 2021, a national rollout is planned through other major retail bricks & mortar stores as well as online retailers.
You will, of course be able to add [pH]RESH! to your Eco Diva basket online and in our flagship Emporium in Cape Town. Look out on our socials for all launch information as we roll out this happy new [pH]RESH! skincare offering.
#getphresh & follow our new Instagram page for all the juicy launch details.
We’re excited, hope you are too.
Lots of love & happy healthy vibes.