The Secret To Happiness and Youthfulness - Travel

The Secret To Happiness and Youthfulness - Travel

Posted by Nicole Sherwin on

If I told you that the secret to happiness, youthfulness, and a renewed perspective on life doesn't lie in expensive beauty proceedures, pills, or fancy gadgets, but in something far more adventurous—travel and enriching experiences. Your passport and a thirst for new adventures might just be the ultimate keys to a longer, happier life. Here’s why packing your bags and getting out of your comfortable rut, could be the best investment you ever make.

I've been on a magical adventure to the Côte D'Azur - or South of France to celebrate my sister's milestone Birthday. It's been absolutely wonderful to escape the cold weather and get out of any kind of daily rut, to be able to swim in the Mediterranean ocean, drink up some French culture and soak up some vitamin D (sunshine). What a treat and an absolute blessing. I am overflowing with gratitude. 

What I've found to be the most enlightening 'aha' moments during this trip have been, seeking the sweet zest for life, the (joie de vivre), the happy zone. It's what I call the CHANNEL ONE. The frequency of seeking out our own happiness, health, great experiences and magical moments. It's a frequency in our minds that is something we can choose. It seems to reverse the ageing process, speed up the metabolism and bring new found inspiration. 

A few things I learned on this trip:

1. Outside My Comfort Zone - Travel inevitably pushes us outside our comfort zone, whether it's navigating a new city, waling in a forest, trying unfamiliar foods, or speaking a different language. Facing new situations creates resilience and self-confidence.
2. Provides New Perspectives - Exploring new destinations gives us fresh perspectives on everything from history and architecture to cultural values and politics. These insights make us a more open-minded, empathetic, and well-rounded human.
3. Creates Memories That Last a Lifetime - Years after a trip, vivid memories of experiences like eating a french baguette with heirloom tomatoes on a rustic beach or diving into the ocean and swimming in crystal clear water stick with us forever. Scientific research shows we prioritize experiences over material goods when remembering our lives.
4. Makes Me Appreciate Home More - After witnessing different lifestyles and living conditions abroad, I'm looking forward to returning home with a fresh appreciation of the conveniences and freedoms we enjoy back home.


6. Provides Chances to Learn - From a an ancient medieval town to a forest tour, travel offers endless opportunities to gain new skills and knowledge while having fun. This lifelong learning keeps your mind sharp.
7. Helps Recharge and Relax - We all need a break from the routines of work or school. A relaxing beach vacation or active eco-adventure can provide physical and mental rejuvenation to prevent stress and burnout.
8. Opens Up a World of Inspiration - The sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of new destinations inevitably spark creative inspiration. Amazing art, writing, photography, and innovation arise from the influences of travel.
9. Creates Lasting Impactful Memories - For me, travel often brings out my best self. The challenges of travel help me to identify what's most meaningful to me, creating lasting memories I'll cherish forever.

10. Managing my Gut Health - with different cultures comes different foods. Ones that we are not used to and can interfere with our gut microbiome. I'm grateful for the tools I've learned along my life path, to enable me to maintain my gut health while trying and tasting different foods. 


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