Yoga Wild

Yoga Wild

Posted by Nicole Sherwin on

Besides being voted the No.1 tourist destination in the world, Cape Town is abuzz with the latest trend spots, hot spots, restaurants, gin bars and groovy nightlife venues. But most notably are the latest health & fitness offerings that are completely on par with most USA and European cities. Recently, the hotter than hot WILD THING Yoga studio opened in Sea Point with panoramic views over the bay, city and mountain. What’s not to like about sweating out your toxins while breathing in the zen beauty that only the Mother City has to offer.

The Sanskrit translation of WILD THING is Camatkarasana and means ‘the ecstatic unfolding of the enraptured heart’ and that is exactly what this yoga studio offers. A love for yoga is where this all started and WILD THING is that love in a tangible form.

Founded by by Lexi Ryman and Dominique Vieira, WILD THING offers a variation of Vinyasa based yoga and body conditioning classes running from early morning through to the early evening throughout the week. Their classes cater for all levels and aspiring Yogis, so you never feel ‘out of the loop’.

For the more eager beavers that want something a little different, you can join in a Hip-Hop yoga class, or a more mellow vibe with candle-lit yoga all of course with breath-taking and breath-giving views.

For the dudes out there, they offer super cool, hip Broga classes where boys and men can get together and get their sweat on.

Their recently launched Dance & Yoga for Kids classes have all the local fledgling yogis learning how to breathe, stretch, move, groove and learn how to understand their bodies in a seriously fun, cool environment.

If you’d like to join the WILD THING Yoga Squad –  click HERE and find out more. For class schedules click HERE

Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 3.56.30 PM Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 3.58.21 PM

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